What the Heck Is Project Loom for Java?

That’s how Java’s Loom Project offers to fix the problem of system disruptions and clogging. The main idea of Project Loom revolves around a Fiber. It is also called Virtual Thread, Green, or User thread since the OS isn’t involved in creating threads at all!

Understanding Java Loom Project

And this is actually how we’re supposed to write concurrent code, it’s just that we haven’t been doing the right thing because threads have been so costly. Now we need to go back and rethink how to program when threads aren’t cheap. So, it’s kind of funny, I say, in terms of project Loom, you don’t really need to learn anything new. So the way I like presenting it and saying that today, Java developers are faced with a choice. But then they’re going to need to waste more money on development and maintenance, because developing and maintaining and observing the program is so much harder.

And in the future, we will certainly consider exposing a more limited kind of a continuation that is confined to a single thread. So with custom virtual thread schedulers in one hand, which they maintain thread identity and thread confined continuations on the other, we’ve got everything covered, but that might take a while. When it comes, you also asked about tail-call optimization. So you can have pointers or references to objects on your stack. But the references to objects on the stack and references from other objects are handled completely differently by the GC. The stacks are known as GC roots and the GC starts with them and treats them specially.

A lot of various applications can use Loom partially or fully adopt this approach. The lightweights of threads and the ability of the system to use its resources more consciously offer a great solution for the application developers. In the past, when Java was launched, it was rather easy to write and run concurrent applications. But the problem is that the modern world has increased demands. The software unit of concurrency simply can’t match the scale of the domain’s unit of concurrency.

What might we expect in the future?

The new approach also offers a new way to create thread factories. A standard thread class from now on has a new static method which is called a builder. This new class is used both to create Fiber and the ThreadFactory.

Understanding Java Loom Project

The reason for such limitation is the need for Java runtime to create corresponding threads within the operating system. And the OS can’t handle millions or billions of operations. Project Loom allows the use of pluggable schedulers with fiber class. In asynchronous mode, ForkJoinPool is used as the default scheduler.

Project Loom goes down that road again, providing lightweight threads to the programmer. Those lightweight threads are mapped to OS threads in a «many-to-many» relationship. Java Virtual Threads In Java 19 were introduced Virtual Threads JEP-425 as a preview feature After some investigation of concept of Java Virtual Threads , called sometimes lightweight …

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Another stated goal of Loom is Tail-call elimination (also called tail-call optimization). This is a fairly esoteric element of the proposed system. The core idea is that the system will be able to avoid allocating new stacks for continuations wherever possible. An important note about Loom’s fibers is that whatever changes are required to the entire Java system, they are not to break existing code. Existing threading code will be fully compatible going forward.

This is new scenario implementation is splitting the image processing between two groups of virtual threads, half with full max priority, and half with low priority. If we look at the stack trace of virtual threads though, we see the new class java.lang.VirtualThread being used. Not just the language runtime, but also the I/O related parts of the standard library. For instance, on Windows, when doing disk or network I/O in C# with async/await these tasks are truly parallel, the OS kernel and drivers are indeed doing more work at the same time.

They are suitable for thread-per-request programming styles without having the limitations of OS threads. You can create millions of virtual threads without affecting throughput. This is quite similar to coroutines, like goroutines, made famous by the Go programming language .

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This removes the scalability issues of blocking I/O, but without the added code complexity of using asynchronous I/O, since we are back to a single thread only overseeing a single connection. The answer to that has for a long time been the use of asynchronous I/O, which is non-blocking. When using asynchronous I/O, a single thread can handle many concurrent connections, but at the cost of increased code complexity. A single execution flow handling a single connection is a lot simpler to understand and reason. While many frameworks today, in particular reactive frameworks, hide a lot of this complexity from the developer, a different mindset is needed for asynchronous I/O.

Understanding Java Loom Project

Project Loom introduces lightweight and efficient virtual threads called fibers, massively increasing resource efficiency while preserving the same simple thread abstraction for developers. And that is that using continuations directly in an unsupervised manner can break some very important things. You might observe java project loom that in a single method, the thread identity, your current thread changes, and that might break program logic. The JIT compiler might compile your method incorrectly if you’re not very, very careful when using continuations. Custom schedulers, what they’re seeing is something very close to continuations.

Understanding Java’s Project Loom

Under the covers, the runtime, which is the libraries and the VM map a great many of those virtual threads, millions even, onto a very small set of OS threads. So from the OS perspective, your program might be running, I don’t know, eight or 32 threads, but from your perspective, you’ll be running a million threads and those threads will be virtual. The new java method from project loom to start a virtual thread is .. Virtual threads are currently targeted for inclusion in JDK 19 as a preview feature. If everything goes well, virtual threads should be ready to exit its preview state by the time JDK 21 comes out, which is the next likely LTS version. Today Java is heavily used in backend web applications, serving concurrent requests from users and other applications.

  • Let’s rewrite this processing test, this time with a bunch of threads, and this is first case, we’re going all out, not limiting the number of threads we use for the processing.
  • Traditional Java concurrency is managed with the Thread and Runnable classes, as seen in Listing 1 .
  • In asynchronous mode, ForkJoinPool is used as the default scheduler.
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  • In the future , the team may look at adding explicit tail-call optimisation.

The tooling level, I think some of the greatest challenges have actually been there. Second good news, project loom allows you to spawn light thread at will, without the need to be worried about blacking out resources. Virtual Threads are actually well managed, and don’t crash the virtual machine by using too much resources, and so the ALTMRetinex filter processing finished. Let’s rewrite this processing test, this time with a bunch of threads, and this is first case, we’re going all out, not limiting the number of threads we use for the processing.

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With virtual threads you should never ever, ever pool them. If you find yourself pooling virtual threads, then you’re doing something wrong. I mean, it might behave correctly, but you’re sort of missing the point. But we do have new executors in the executor class and project Loom that will spawn a new thread for every new task you submit to it. And of course, if you choose to configure that executor to spawn a new virtual thread, you just need to replace your executors with that executor.

This means the task will be suspended and resume in Java runtime instead of the operating system kernel. It consists of a sequence of instructions to be executed. Every continuation has an entry point and a yield point. Whenever the caller resumes the continuation after it is suspended, the control is returned to the exact point where it was suspended. The code is much more readable, and the intent is also clear. StructuredTaskScope also ensures the following behavior automatically.

Why is the way concurrency currently works on the JVM problematic?

The use of asynchronous I/O allows a single thread to handle multiple concurrent connections, but it would require a rather complex code to be written to execute that. Much of this complexity is hidden from the user to make this code look simpler. Still, a different mindset was required for using asynchronous I/O as hiding the complexity cannot be a permanent solution and would also restrict users from any modifications. While I do think virtual threads are a great feature, I also feel paragraphs like the above will lead to a fair amount of scale hype-train’ism.

Is my understanding correct that a virtual thread runs on the same carrier thread throughout its lifetime? If not, then I’m wondering if we’d need to have our instance variables as volatile to have … JEP 405, Record Patterns , proposes to enhance the language with record patterns to deconstruct record values. Developers fluent in the Go programming language are in great demand because of the breadth of experience and expertise they offer to project. Now that threads are as lightweight as possible, it is possible to figure out new ways of using ExecutorServices. In simple words, if one virtual thread is blocked, the underlying thread will be used by the other one.

How do I safely call CPU-bound code from within a Java19 virtual thread?

It’s changed a little bit in the past few weeks, but when you create a thread, you can choose whether you want a platform thread or a virtual thread. But it’s interesting that you said that you don’t do it commonly these days. And in fact, that is one of the reasons why we’ve decided to expose virtual threads as Java.lang.Thread. From the perspective of the Java programmer or from the perspective of the Java programmer, as they sit down to write their code and run it, virtual threads are just threads. The semantics are exactly the same in terms of everything, but under the covers, unlike today’s threads, which we’ve started calling platform threads, they do not map one-to-one to OS threads. So a virtual thread is not a wrapper around an OS thread.